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Check Our Fresh

Cruelty to animals is wrong! Period.  Im not a PETA sentimentalist in any form, but I do belive firmly in the humane treatment of all the creatures on this planet. Currently PETA has got “beef” with fast food giant Kentucky Fried Chicken, prompting PETA to start what they are calling the “Kentucky Fried Cruelty” campaign. The new campaign will be a push to inform the masses of the horrible ways many chickens as well as other farm animals are treated, as well as calling for a boycott of KFC. According to PETA’s “Kentucky Fried Cruelty” site :

“KFC suppliers cram birds into huge waste-filled factories, breed and drug them to grow so large that they can’t even walk, and often break their wings and legs.  At slaughter, the birds’ throats are slit and they are dropped into tanks of scalding-hot water—often while they are still conscious.   It would be illegal for KFC to abuse dogs, cats, pigs, or cows in these ways.  KFC’s own animal welfare advisors have asked the company to take steps to eliminate these abuses, but KFC refuses to do so.   Many advisors have now resigned in frustration.
Please join Pamela Anderson, Sir Paul McCartney, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, The Rev. Al Sharpton, and countless other kind people worldwide by not eating at KFC.”
Look, PETA is out there shock ‘n awe tactics using borderline eco terrorist minds if they ever think im giving up El Pollo Loco or Popeyes.  But treating animals like expendable cheap infinite objects, instead of treating them as fellow inhabitants of our planet &  acknowledging their vital roles as the tools of our nutrition, survival and gifts to our innate human epicure desires, is wack (KanyeShrug).
The video below is provided from PETA, and shows workers at a KFC chicken supplier in West Virginia, droppin bows left and right on the poor poultry. Freshmen, we as human kind must understand and be conscious of our immense responsibility to ourselves, our planet, and all the critters who walk, crawl, slither, swim, fly or otherwise propel themselves about the globe.
For more info on the “Kentucky Fried Cruelty” campaign, follow the links provided at the end of this article.  The campaign site features highly dramatized scenes which depict KFC’s Colonel Sanders as a psycho overlord who rules over his chickens like the warden in ” The Shawshank Redemption “.
Although it means well, it comes off as absolute comedy to me, in some albeit, weird Shawshank Prison Warden way.  You’ll see what I mean when you click the link.  I think im gonna go get some tofu right now. – PETA’s youth movement
An Example of one of PETA’s videos attacking Kentucky Fried Chicken, and more evidence that Colonel Sanders once  moon lighted as a Kentucky Pimp.  Cold on em.