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Check Our Fresh

First of all,  sincere apologies for the lack of posts so far in 2010.  There are a lot of sports updates we need to get to and I will try my best to get to as many as I can.  First of all, the biggest event of 2010 in sports occurred from June 11 to July 11 in South Africa.  The World Cup, which is for many people, the world’s most anticipated sporting event, was a fun and entertaining one to watch.  This was the first world cup on the continent of Africa.  This world cup had America’s attention unlike any other in history.  The United States was able to advance out of their group, unfortunately losing in the round of 16.  There were many quality matches and surprises, which ultimately led to Spain’s first ever world cup championship.  Hopefully the attention brought to this year’s world cup will remain high for the next world cup in 2014 in Brazil.

The NBA began the most anticipated free agency period ever on July 1.  It has led to major moves such as Amare to the Knicks.  None of the moves matched the power of Lebron James and Chris Bosh joining up with Dwyane Wade to Miami.  This will undoubtedly become one of the powers in the Eastern Conference.  There are a lot of people who have been down on these three players playing on the same team, saying it takes away from competition and could lead to having three or four power teams and a bunch of others.  In my opinion, the league was already 5 power teams and then everyone else.  These three took less money to create the best chance to win now.  It is important for us as sports fans to understand that sports evolve and change over time.  The money is bigger than it ever has been, some of these star players have been doing it almost exclusively by themselves, which has never been a formula for success and they were all in markets that were difficult for them to become as successful as they each wanted to be.  Michael Jordan and Charles Barkley said recently that they wouldn’t have called up other stars to play with them during their careers.  First of all, when it comes to Sir Charles, I wouldn’t want to take too much advice from him on becoming a champion.  It was relatively easy for MJ to stay where he was because of the fact that he was in Chicago and the bulls management made the proper moves for him to be able to win for a long time.  It will be interesting to see how these moves work out.

The British Open had its positives and negatives with Louis Oosthuizen winning.  Yes, that means Tiger hasn’t won a major at all this year and had an opportunity to play at two of his favorite courses in Pebble and St. Andrews.  Tiger now hasn’t won a major in 9 consecutive tries.  That is pretty long right? Jack Nicklaus, the man Tiger is chasing had a streak of 12 during his prime and toward the end of his career, he went 20 majors in a row without winning.  It has been interesting to watch due to Tiger’s mental approach to the game and the fact that there are a lot of up and coming talented players like Rory McIlroy and Ryo Ishikawa among others who are making Tiger play his best and even that might not be good enough anymore.

Finally, the death of an icon.  George Steinbrenner has a lot of positives and a lot of negatives.  It is difficult for anyone to say that his impact on the Yankees and on baseball wasn’t a major one.  “The Boss” made the biggest early impacts on Free Agency getting Catfish Hunter and Reggie Jackson among the first years of Free Agency.  During a time when baseball was just a past time and talked about among the few, George turned the game into something far more competitive.  He felt, if he was going to be involved by owning a team, he was going to do it his way and want to be the best at what he was doing.  Because of Mr. Steinbrenner, sports reporters now pay attention to what owners say.  He might not get into the hall of fame.  It is difficult to decide which owners or contributers deserve to be in and which do not.  It is especially difficult for him because he did have a period in the 80s when his teams were mediocre, he made a ton of bad decisions AND he paid a private investigator to spy on one of his own players.  I’m not saying he doesn’t deserve to be in or does,  all I’m saying is that it is difficult.

These were the major events in sports so far this summer.  There are others such as Jamarcus Russell and his incident with syrup, the Florida Gators investigation, Reggie Bush and Mike Garrett, John Wall and Demarcus Cousins, Marvin Harrison, the low ratings for the All Star Game in baseball, the 17 year contract in hockey, the Lakers winning the NBA Finals, Blackhawks winning the NHL Stanley Cup, Lance doing another Tour De France, Serena and Nadal winning more grand slams.  We must make sure we keep everyone up to date and hopefully start up some conversations among sports minds.  There will be more to talk about over the next couple of weeks with Alex Rodriguez approaching 600 home runs, Tiger attempting to win the PGA, NFL camps starting, USA Basketball Camps beginning, MLB trade deadline approaching and any other random stories that happen in the fun loving world of sports.  Let the games begin.

Cruelty to animals is wrong! Period.  Im not a PETA sentimentalist in any form, but I do belive firmly in the humane treatment of all the creatures on this planet. Currently PETA has got “beef” with fast food giant Kentucky Fried Chicken, prompting PETA to start what they are calling the “Kentucky Fried Cruelty” campaign. The new campaign will be a push to inform the masses of the horrible ways many chickens as well as other farm animals are treated, as well as calling for a boycott of KFC. According to PETA’s “Kentucky Fried Cruelty” site :

“KFC suppliers cram birds into huge waste-filled factories, breed and drug them to grow so large that they can’t even walk, and often break their wings and legs.  At slaughter, the birds’ throats are slit and they are dropped into tanks of scalding-hot water—often while they are still conscious.   It would be illegal for KFC to abuse dogs, cats, pigs, or cows in these ways.  KFC’s own animal welfare advisors have asked the company to take steps to eliminate these abuses, but KFC refuses to do so.   Many advisors have now resigned in frustration.
Please join Pamela Anderson, Sir Paul McCartney, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, The Rev. Al Sharpton, and countless other kind people worldwide by not eating at KFC.”
Look, PETA is out there shock ‘n awe tactics using borderline eco terrorist minds if they ever think im giving up El Pollo Loco or Popeyes.  But treating animals like expendable cheap infinite objects, instead of treating them as fellow inhabitants of our planet &  acknowledging their vital roles as the tools of our nutrition, survival and gifts to our innate human epicure desires, is wack (KanyeShrug).
The video below is provided from PETA, and shows workers at a KFC chicken supplier in West Virginia, droppin bows left and right on the poor poultry. Freshmen, we as human kind must understand and be conscious of our immense responsibility to ourselves, our planet, and all the critters who walk, crawl, slither, swim, fly or otherwise propel themselves about the globe.
For more info on the “Kentucky Fried Cruelty” campaign, follow the links provided at the end of this article.  The campaign site features highly dramatized scenes which depict KFC’s Colonel Sanders as a psycho overlord who rules over his chickens like the warden in ” The Shawshank Redemption “.
Although it means well, it comes off as absolute comedy to me, in some albeit, weird Shawshank Prison Warden way.  You’ll see what I mean when you click the link.  I think im gonna go get some tofu right now. – PETA’s youth movement
An Example of one of PETA’s videos attacking Kentucky Fried Chicken, and more evidence that Colonel Sanders once  moon lighted as a Kentucky Pimp.  Cold on em.

Lets face it, as young folks out on our own for the first time, the vast majority of us practice pretty shitty eating habits. Junk food has become a staple in the modern American diet, and almost anything one can think of from Hyphy Juice to Captain Crunch Berries is chocked full of what is known as high fructose corn syrup.

HFCS, is used as a cheap alternative to sugar in sweet food products, but as with most things that are cheap and easy, your fleeting moments of bliss often arn’t worth the repercussions you will face down the line. High fructose corn syrup has been flying through alot of flack lately, which has spawned a new ad campaign aimed to explain to consumers of its comparability to sugar when eaten in moderation. Well, allow science to retort. Researchers at Princeton University have found that high fructose corn syrup has a significant tie to obesity and weight gain :

A Princeton University research team has demonstrated that all sweeteners are not equal when it comes to weight gain: Rats with access to high-fructose corn syrup gained significantly more weight than those with access to table sugar, even when their overall caloric intake was the same.

“Some people have claimed that high-fructose corn syrup is no different than other sweeteners when it comes to weight gain and obesity, but our results make it clear that this just isn’t true, at least under the conditions of our tests,” said psychology professor Bart Hoebel, who specializes in the neuroscience of appetite, weight and sugar addiction. “When rats are drinking high-fructose corn syrup at levels well below those in soda pop, they’re becoming obese — every single one, across the board. Even when rats are fed a high-fat diet, you don’t see this; they don’t all gain extra weight.”

Princeton Review

Retiring numbers league wide in professional sports has only occurred for two players in all of the major sports in America.  Wayne Gretzky’s #99 was retired league wide.  He is recognized as the greatest hockey player who has ever played by many.  Nobody in the sport had ever worn the number before Gretzky and nobody has worn it after him.  It is a special number and for hockey, they felt the number deserved to be retired.  The only other number that is retired league wide has been Jackie Robinson’s #42 in Major League Baseball.  Robinson as we know was a pioneer not only for the sport of baseball and integration in the sport but was a very important figure in the civil rights movement in this country.  Robinson might not be recognized as the greatest to play the sport but his impact on the game and on the country at the time couldn’t be matched by any other athlete in any sport.  Lebron James feels the number 23 should be retired by the National Basketball Association to honor Michael Jordan.  Many fans who have watched basketball in he 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s can agree that Michael Jordan is the best player that we have seen.  His numbers, MVPs, Championships all point to being the greatest player of all time.  Michael Jordan was the greatest of his era and made a huge impact on the game internationally.  “Everybody wants to be like Mike.”  Lebron wore the number 23 in the first place in honor of his airness.  Many players in all levels of basketball have worn the number 23 to honor MJ.  Lebron is planning on changing his number to 6 because he feels that nobody should ever be able to wear the number 23 again.  This sounds like a great idea and a respectful thing to do to one of the games greats.  Knowing how intelligent Lebron is, he definitely knows that Bill Russell wore the number 6 during his career.  Bill Russell is known as the greatest winner in professional team sports history winning 11 championship titles.  Bill Russell was also the first African-American professional head basketball coach.  Looking at the numbers and championships, one could make the argument that Bill Russell was actually the greatest player in NBA history.  I know that Bill Russell doesn’t mind the change and understands that today’s generation of players makes decisions different than how they did back in the 50s and 60s.

What I am trying to say is this.  I understand that we in today’s generation believe that we have seen the greatest player to play in NBA history.  We have to understand how important retiring one players jersey league wide is.  In my opinion, it isn’t to honor how great a player is for the period he played the game.  Retiring a players number for an entire league says that this player not only was a hard worker, great player on and off the field, makes an impact today even though he or she is no longer playing, but also made a major impact on society and continues to do that as well.  Trust me, I understand how great Michael is and that he had an impact on the game internationally, but there are great players in every generation.  Who are we today to say that the number should be retired league wide instead of Bird or Magic, Russell or Chamberlain, Shaq or Kobe.  The list will continue to go on with tremendously talented players.  I believe it is unfair to say that one player during his era is so much greater than every other player from every other era that his number should be retired.  I hope that David Stern doesn’t decide to retire MJ’s number, and I even hope that MJ himself comes out and says that he doesn’t feel it would be right to have his number retired.

As you can see, wefreshmen have taken a break over the last couple of months from the blog world.  There has been a lot of things going on in the world of sports, entertainment and politics.  One of, if not the most important event over this time happened today.  Tiger Woods made an apology and statement this morning for his actions.  As we all have read and heard, Tiger had some difficulties with extra marital affairs.  Tiger is the most popular athlete in the world and has more of an impact on his sport than any other athlete.  Many people felt they deserved an apology.  I don’t necessarily understand why.  Tiger violated the trust of his wife and his family.  I don’t feel it should be his responsibility to apologize to any of us.  As a golf and Tiger fan, I hope this gets him back onto the golf course again soon.

Now as a college sports fan and athlete, you have to understand that I have mad love and support for all college athletes around the country.  I know how much work they put in and that they have to make incredible sacrifices to do what they do at a high level.  I was at home this holiday season and wanted to tune into some of the early bowl games just for fun.  I turned on the 2009 Little Caesars Pizza Bowl, live from fabulous Detroit, Michigan.  There are thirty two bowl games, which obviously mean 64 teams make bowl games.  There are 120 division 1a football teams in college football.  I don’t have to do the math for you. Now, I know that I am spoiled being from the west coast and enjoying the Pac 10’s schedule and bowl games.  Most of which are in California, Texas, Arizona or Nevada.  All of which are credible, beautiful, fun, resort type locations for the family and friends of the players to come for vacation.  There are bowl games in cities like, Mobile, Toronto, Peachtree City, and others.  The Little Caesars Pizza Bowl involved Ohio of the MAC conference and Marshall of Conference USA.  Have we reached the point where we have too many bowl games.  I mean in a season like this should a team like UCLA or Notre Dame even have the opportunity to go to bowl games.  They were two of the worst teams that the major conferences got to play against all year.  Then again, I have to look at this from a business perspective as well.  The bowls produce money for these schools and for some of the schools, they only get to go to one bowl every so often.  Going to a bowl game is huge for them, recruiting wise, money wise and is great for their seniors.  I just think at a point, giving half of the students a gold star diminishes the value of that accomplishment.  I hope the bowl system is looked at again, because I would rather take off about 10 of these lower bowl games and create a playoff system for the top teams.  I don’t know if that will ever happen, but I think it should be something people continue to talk about.  I’ll try to enjoy the rest of the bowl games this season, but really can’t wait until the big boys start going at it.

It certainly has been a while and I apologize for the holiday break that we took.  There are plenty of hot topics out there to catch up on.  Last weekend on Sunday night, we witnessed something that we don’t traditionally see from professional athletes and coaches on live television.  We saw a dispute between the star of the team and the coach of the team.  This dispute came about because the star (Brett Favre) and the coach (Josh Childress), didn’t quite see eye to eye on the importance of the playing time for that individual star.  In case you’ve been living under a rock or don’t pay attention to the NFL, the Indianapolis Colts were 14-0 going into this past week’s game at home against the Jets.  The Jets are a strong team, but most football fans felt the Colts should handle them relatively easily.  We saw the score tightening up in the 3rd quarter and Jim Caldwell did what fantasy football owners of Peyton dreaded.  He pulled the star players toward the end of the game.  This put the hopes for an undefeated season in the hands of the backups.  The Colts would go onto lose the game by 14 points and helps the Jets control their own destiny now in the playoff picture.  The logical sports fan in me tells me that this was the right move and that winning the super bowl is ultimately the main goal and that the other stuff in the regular season are overhyped by dumb fans and the media.  Jim Caldwell certainly believes that and as a first year head coach, I would expect him to certainly go for the super bowl before any type of undefeated season.  But the crazy fun fan in me wants to always go for the history books.  I want to be remembered as the only team to go undefeated in a full 16 game season.  I want a chance to shut up Mercury Morris and the rest of the ’72 dolphins.  Caldwell did what he thought was right.  Winning a super bowl for him is more important.  Getting Peyton his second is more important.  The only way this is even close to being worth it is if they win the super bowl.  Only then will we be able to wait 20 years and ask the Colts organization and players if losing the 15th game of the season was worth it.

Most of us think we know our public figures from what we see on television, hear from others or read about online.  Tiger Woods showed us that we really don’t know what we think we know.  Early on Friday morning, we found out on ESPN and CNN that Tiger got in a car accident and injured himself.   Many questions arose because, Tiger’s air bags didn’t open.  This would mean that Tiger couldn’t have been driving over 33 mph.  If that was the case it is extremely strange that he had such extreme injuries and became unconscious.  Tiger and his wife refused to talk to police over the weekend and even up until now.  Tiger’s wife reportedly used a golf club to bash in the back window and get Tiger out of the car.  There is a lot of suspicion because of the cuts and bruises, his wife’s reaction and several issues from several days ago.  Several days ago on the internet it was reported that Tiger was possibly having an affair with a night club hostess from New York.  Tiger has said that these are absolutely untrue and so did the woman in question.  All of this is extremely strange and the public wants answers.  The police have issued out a search warrant for Tiger’s hospital records from that day.  This will help determine if the injuries that Tiger got from the accident were from an auto accident or domestic violence.  We will find out in the next several days and weeks more information but the only people who will really know what happened are Tiger and his wife Elin Woods.

Ok so I know it’s still football season and hoop season is just gettin underway.  I know that most of us don’t have the luxury of having NBA League Pass and the games we generally watch are ESPN or TNT games.  I don’t know if you guys have noticed but the NBA attendance has been pretty bad for some arenas around the league.  Just looking at the percentages earlier today, I saw some teams at the bottom of the list that I expected such as Memphis, New Jersey, Sacramento, and Charlotte.  Most of these cities are pretty large, but the teams aren’t that good and don’t have star power.  Some of the other ones at the bottom include Philadelphia, Milwaukee and the Los Angeles Clippers.  Philadelphia and Memphis have an abysmal 56% and 64% attendance rating AT HOME.  Two of America’s great cities aren’t coming out to support their pro basketball teams.  It is early in the season but it is interesting to me that ESPN hasn’t reported anything about this.

Watching some of these teams play, you wonder, “Where are all the hoop fans at? And why aren’t they coming to these games? Ticket prices? Weather? Other options?”  I hope something is done about this soon because it is embarrassing as a basketball fan to see these empty arenas.  Mr. Stern better have some answers for this.  Part of the problem might be the crazy difference between the 8 good teams in the NBA and the 22 bad ones.  That’s just my opinion though.

We have journeyed through the desert and finally the oasis is in sight.  My fellow hip hop headed freshmen, we have made it through the worse some would say and now it is time for a new popular music renaissance with new rhymesayers prepared and ready to carry their music into the future on their very own shoulders.  Connections have been made of the coincidental downturn of the past 8 years of rap music, to the last eight years of poor government leadership here in the states, a debatable notion but an intresting observation no less.

What can be agreed upon, is that hip hop has been givin a facelift and now flaunts a new, fresh and youthfull appearance that continues to grow in popularity and pop culture empahsis.  Drake, Wale & KiD CuDi our only three representatives of the new generation of hip hop music, and with artists such as Lil Wayne, Common and Kanye West who themselves have only begun to come in touch with their own prime while still maintaining a spot in this innovative and forward looking group, rap fans everywhere believe a new age has come.

Thus, all of us here at we:Freshmen wanna hear what you have to say about hip hop music and the direction it, and it’s sub genres are moving toward.  Who are you listening to, and which new emcee has you most optimistic and excited?  Participate in the poll and leave a comment of your personal opinion.  Hip Hop is back, and I for one could not be more excited, drop science below homie!