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Check Our Fresh

Now as a college sports fan and athlete, you have to understand that I have mad love and support for all college athletes around the country.  I know how much work they put in and that they have to make incredible sacrifices to do what they do at a high level.  I was at home this holiday season and wanted to tune into some of the early bowl games just for fun.  I turned on the 2009 Little Caesars Pizza Bowl, live from fabulous Detroit, Michigan.  There are thirty two bowl games, which obviously mean 64 teams make bowl games.  There are 120 division 1a football teams in college football.  I don’t have to do the math for you. Now, I know that I am spoiled being from the west coast and enjoying the Pac 10’s schedule and bowl games.  Most of which are in California, Texas, Arizona or Nevada.  All of which are credible, beautiful, fun, resort type locations for the family and friends of the players to come for vacation.  There are bowl games in cities like, Mobile, Toronto, Peachtree City, and others.  The Little Caesars Pizza Bowl involved Ohio of the MAC conference and Marshall of Conference USA.  Have we reached the point where we have too many bowl games.  I mean in a season like this should a team like UCLA or Notre Dame even have the opportunity to go to bowl games.  They were two of the worst teams that the major conferences got to play against all year.  Then again, I have to look at this from a business perspective as well.  The bowls produce money for these schools and for some of the schools, they only get to go to one bowl every so often.  Going to a bowl game is huge for them, recruiting wise, money wise and is great for their seniors.  I just think at a point, giving half of the students a gold star diminishes the value of that accomplishment.  I hope the bowl system is looked at again, because I would rather take off about 10 of these lower bowl games and create a playoff system for the top teams.  I don’t know if that will ever happen, but I think it should be something people continue to talk about.  I’ll try to enjoy the rest of the bowl games this season, but really can’t wait until the big boys start going at it.