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Check Our Fresh

It certainly has been a while and I apologize for the holiday break that we took.  There are plenty of hot topics out there to catch up on.  Last weekend on Sunday night, we witnessed something that we don’t traditionally see from professional athletes and coaches on live television.  We saw a dispute between the star of the team and the coach of the team.  This dispute came about because the star (Brett Favre) and the coach (Josh Childress), didn’t quite see eye to eye on the importance of the playing time for that individual star.  In case you’ve been living under a rock or don’t pay attention to the NFL, the Indianapolis Colts were 14-0 going into this past week’s game at home against the Jets.  The Jets are a strong team, but most football fans felt the Colts should handle them relatively easily.  We saw the score tightening up in the 3rd quarter and Jim Caldwell did what fantasy football owners of Peyton dreaded.  He pulled the star players toward the end of the game.  This put the hopes for an undefeated season in the hands of the backups.  The Colts would go onto lose the game by 14 points and helps the Jets control their own destiny now in the playoff picture.  The logical sports fan in me tells me that this was the right move and that winning the super bowl is ultimately the main goal and that the other stuff in the regular season are overhyped by dumb fans and the media.  Jim Caldwell certainly believes that and as a first year head coach, I would expect him to certainly go for the super bowl before any type of undefeated season.  But the crazy fun fan in me wants to always go for the history books.  I want to be remembered as the only team to go undefeated in a full 16 game season.  I want a chance to shut up Mercury Morris and the rest of the ’72 dolphins.  Caldwell did what he thought was right.  Winning a super bowl for him is more important.  Getting Peyton his second is more important.  The only way this is even close to being worth it is if they win the super bowl.  Only then will we be able to wait 20 years and ask the Colts organization and players if losing the 15th game of the season was worth it.