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Check Our Fresh

Most of us think we know our public figures from what we see on television, hear from others or read about online.  Tiger Woods showed us that we really don’t know what we think we know.  Early on Friday morning, we found out on ESPN and CNN that Tiger got in a car accident and injured himself.   Many questions arose because, Tiger’s air bags didn’t open.  This would mean that Tiger couldn’t have been driving over 33 mph.  If that was the case it is extremely strange that he had such extreme injuries and became unconscious.  Tiger and his wife refused to talk to police over the weekend and even up until now.  Tiger’s wife reportedly used a golf club to bash in the back window and get Tiger out of the car.  There is a lot of suspicion because of the cuts and bruises, his wife’s reaction and several issues from several days ago.  Several days ago on the internet it was reported that Tiger was possibly having an affair with a night club hostess from New York.  Tiger has said that these are absolutely untrue and so did the woman in question.  All of this is extremely strange and the public wants answers.  The police have issued out a search warrant for Tiger’s hospital records from that day.  This will help determine if the injuries that Tiger got from the accident were from an auto accident or domestic violence.  We will find out in the next several days and weeks more information but the only people who will really know what happened are Tiger and his wife Elin Woods.