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Senator Ted Kennedy’s unfortunate death has brought a vacant Senate seat to the state of Massachusetts and the Democratic Party.  Whenever this happens, an important senior politician from the state will come in and take over.  To many political scientists, Senator is the position right below President.  Every president in our nations history has come from being a senator or governor.  Curt Schilling, a former pitcher in Major  League Baseball, who has said many contreversal things throughout his career thinks it would be fun.  “(Running) would be fun. The whole spotlight media crap, not so much.”  Somebody might want to let Curt know that being a Senator in the United States brings about some “spotlight media crap.”

He brought up the fact that every current politician sticks with the status quo so much and doesn’t ever go out on a limb to really stand for change.  He does think he can make a change in Massachusetts.  He doesn’t feel the Senate has been going about things the right way.  He understands that it would be very difficult to begin to run for Senato and he understands that it is very unlikely but he does think it’d be “fun.”  He feels like he would have the ability to change the world.  Curt Schilling is an extreme competitor, winning three world series titles, a Cy Young and over 200 games.  He honestly feels he knows what the country needs to do to “fix” itself during this difficult time.  Throughout his career, Curt has always said certain things that many people haven’t agreed with.  He has been extremely controversial.  I understand that he probably does have some good ideas and strong beliefs about what he feels is best for our country.  However,  I hope that Curt is just joking around and nobody really takes him serious.  I know that in the past we have had entertainers and athletes become politicians, some working out better than others.  This is a serious time, however and experienced and powerful politicians are necessary for us to really get back to where we should be as a country.  Curt Schilling is one of millions of people in this country who think they could do a better job in politics than the politicians themselves.  All politicians have made a ton of mistakes in their careers and it is extremely easy for us to sit here watching them and say that we could do better.  I wonder how many average Americans think they could go in and perform the way Curt Schilling did in his career on the diamond pitching at a high level.  One could argue that many politicians have their positions because of family, business, or personal ties, which is sometimes the case.  Not all politicians are perfect.  This being a possibility, we should respect the jobs politicians do and understand that they have these jobs for a reason and many of them are the best at what they do. Curt needs to enjoy his retirement, find other ways to enjoy the rest of his life but leave the Senate seat opening to someone who really deserves it and someone who will carry on Ted Kennedy’s legacy and do the job well.